Mt Ruapehu is steeped in cultural, geographical, and historical significance. Stories date back centuries, and are told through different perspectives, both in legend and historical record. It is vitally important to many groups from local Iwi to Communities and Business as well as Passionate Mountain Users.
Today we are faced with the possibility of losing all that we have strived for in having access to the magic of our precious maunga.
As you may have seen in the media on Tuesday 11th October, PWC have been appointed as Voluntary Administrators of Ruapehu Alpine Lifts Limited (RAL). The past 3 years has been particularly tough for RAL with the COVID pandemic and no tourists. This is on the back of a large investment in the gondola. However, the final straw was one of the worst snow seasons in many decades.
There is no question operating a ski business on Mt Ruapehu is extremely challenging. The dream to have the Mt Ruapehu skifields owned by passionate mountain users and locals is not new. It has worked for 70 years, and we believe it still relevant now more than ever. This website has been established as a key point of communication for all stakeholders, everyone who wants to stay updated, and to help crowdfund and support the Mt Ruapehu skifields.

The ski season is fast approaching, and we have a lot to do to make sure that the Ruapehu skifields open this year and for many more to come.
While our group have been in talks with PWC, the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and other stakeholders. To date no formal plan has been put forward or discussed with any creditors or stakeholders. Therefore, we have formed the RSSA to lead the charge to put together a solid plan and vision with the other creditors and key stakeholders. This includes a mixed government and community model, ‘Crown and Community’ with the aim of averting liquidation.
We would ask that you join the Association today, it’s a $10 membership fee and the more people that join the more influence and options we have to save the skifields and represent you.
Our volunteers are a mix of local business owners, shareholders, life pass holders, and mountain club leadership.
As a broad community we have inclusive mechanisms (social media, email and surveys) to canvas the wide range of viewpoints from various stakeholders as well as regular engagement with representative groups such as RDC (Ruapehu District Council), RMCA (Ruapehu Mountain Clubs Association) and local Iwi, to respect their enduring interests in the mountain.
Enter your email address above to receive informal and unofficial updates on the progress of the Voluntary Administration for RAL and the grass-roots campaign to save the skifields including commentary and feedback from wider stakeholders groups. You'll also have the chance to participate in polls and surveys to share your priorities for how you'd like to support the skifields and how we can preserve access to the mountain for generations to come.
We have created an open Facebook Group for the public effort to save the skifields. This group has over 5,000 members and provides a space for local businesses, RAL staff, season pass holders, and day-pass skiers to connect: Save Mt Ruapehu Public Group
The private Shareholders and Life Pass Holders Facebook Group has over 4,000 members and is growing rapidly. The group is a place to share your views on the next steps for Mt Ruapehu and to ask questions about any aspect of the Voluntary Administration process or the future of the skifields: RAL Shareholders & Life Pass Holders Group
For anyone not on Facebook, a summary digest of the social media discussions will be provided to the email list and posted to our website updates page: Blog