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WHL Whakapapa Concession RSSA Member Survey.

The RSSA team will be making a submission regarding the WHL Whakapapa concession application on behalf of our members.

As such we are asking if you could please share your thoughts and feelings about the application, the process and the future of the RSSA.

1. Associations
2. Do you think the two-year RAL insolvency and concessions process regarding the Ruapehu ski field has been handled well?
3. Do you think the Iwi Treaty Partners have been respected during the RAL insolvency and concessions processes?
4. Would you still support an alternative public benefit ski field solution if the Crown were to put this on the table?
5. Do you support the proposed private, for profit WHL concession license application?
6. If the WHL concession is granted, would you like to see the RSSA continue in an advocacy role supporting skiing in the North Island?
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