I haven't received my valuation or voting form?
If you know your pass number and other details then you can use the form here:
If you don't know your life pass number, or have other more general questions you can contact the PwC team here:
How do I vote?
You can vote For, Against or Abstain on each resolution. You do not need to pick a favourite, rather to indicate that if an option was passed, would you be willing to go along with it. To vote at the meeting or beforehand you will need an email from PwC with your Link Market Services voting instructions.
How do I assign an open proxy?

If you can't attend the meeting, or are happy to assign a proxy as part of a collective effort to support the skifields. You can view the instructions on how to provide your proxy here:
You may wish to provide your open proxy to one of the core team who will vote based on the final assessment of proposals (the proposals may change in the run up to the watershed):
Jason Platt - chairman@rssa.org.nz
Sam Clarkson - sam@savemtruapehu.org.nz
Robert Krebs - robert@savemtruapehu.org.nz
Please note that you have to re-type the email address for a proxy not copy/paste it.
Has the Stakeholders Association reached out to other parties to negotiate better treatment for Life Pass Holders?
We have reached out to the preferred bidders. They will be releasing more information about their plans, proposals, and ski passes in due course.